Exciting Website Upgrades and a New Forum

Have you seen our new Forum? We announced it this past Saturday at the captains meeting but it has been up for a few weeks. Anyone can post as long as you are registered and registration only takes a minute from our home page.

The new Forum has a few sections detailed below and we hope it will help promote a sense of community and  provide services to all our members. The Forum Categories and purposes are:

  • Player: The Player section will have the dugout, a place where players can discuss softball in Ireland, improvements to the game and pose questions that should be asked to the National body, Softball Leinster or just to the membership in general.
  • Captains: An important area for both captains and players to monitor, search for pick-up players, try and recruit new players. Share your post on your Facebook page for greater exposure.
  • Umpires: Both a place for umpires to talk amongst themselves as well as a place for players to ask questions about rules and how plays should be called.
  • Training: Post training videos, PDF documents or whatever that will help others in the Softball Leinster
  • Bulletin Board: This section has a variety of uses, post about equipment you want to buy or sell, Promote your services to the Softball community, looking for a job, whatever you want can be advertised on this community bulletin board.

Other improvements that you can expect is an improved Club Locator and the ability for your captain to login and update their teams stats. YES STATS! Your captain can keep stats and update it weekly showing your teams averages, homeruns, RBI’s and lots more. The stats will only be as accurate as your team’s score-keeping. Player’s stats will be based on their division and if a player is playing in more than one division the stats will be separate for each. Your first and last name will be listed on the Softball Leinster website.