by Alison Fagan
The modern Western world has become increasingly busy and even stressful. Physical and mental wellbeing and wellness are majorly important in terms of daily life challenges. In this article we will focus on what exactly the definition of wellbeing is and how participating in regular exercise and indeed a team sport like Softball has such a resounding impact on our physical, mental, psychological, and emotional wellbeing.
Firstly, we shall start with:
What is ‘wellbeing’?
‘Wellbeing’ as defined by Mental Health Ireland is “feeling good about yourself, the world around you and functioning well in everyday life, most of the time. Being resilient and coping with the normal stresses of life is also an important attribute of wellbeing” (MHI website).
Moreover, they go on to say a number of factors can contribute to or influence your ‘wellbeing’ : They include, “exercise, diet, sense of belonging, relationships, career, self-care, spirituality, money, where we live, and sense of purpose” (MHI website).
A broader definition of wellbeing according to the Collins Dictionary is the “condition of being contented, healthy, or successful” (Collins Dictionary).
Wellbeing and Sport – Why is physical activity/sport so important?
Current state of physical inactivity in the world
According to research on health, sport, and wellbeing, progressively there has been a decline in regular daily physical activity in developed countries. This has major ramifications for your overall physical health and wellbeing. As importantly, according to statistics, “physical inactivity is a major risk factor for most common non-communicable disease” but interestingly, “physical activity can counteract many of the ill effects of inactivity” (
In fact, the World Health Organization has some startling data on this very subject. They estimate that with the exception of sub-Saharan Africa, “chronic diseases are now the leading causes of death in the world” ( These include cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Physical exercise and healthy wellbeing
Furthermore, physical exercise and activity is intrinsic to and important to our overall healthy wellbeing. Sedentary lifestyles can often be damaging to us. They ultimately can be “a source of stress, fatigue or even hormonal imbalances” (
Physical fitness can even be good for our brain. A scientific report in 2019 stated that increased levels of fitness are good for our overall thinking, our “cognitive ability, such as our memory or our problem-solving abilities, as well as triggering beneficial structural changes in the brain” (
Mental and psychological benefits of sport for wellbeing
We have talked about the many physical benefits of sport, let us move on to the more mental and psychological benefits. There are numerous mental and psychological benefits to participating in regular physical activity and importantly, sport. Sport is as good for this part of our well-being as it is to our physical, if not better. Indeed, Sport England states that in a general sense, “physical activity can contribute to enjoyment and happiness, and more broadly to life satisfaction” (
However, how exactly does sport and physical activity contribute to our enjoyment and life satisfaction? How is it good for our mental and psychological wellbeing? In one significant way, it makes us feel happy. As research states, “physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make you feel happier” ( This includes the release of endorphins (the mood lifting chemicals).
Physical activity can contribute to enjoyment and happiness, and more broadly to life satisfaction.
Softball and good mental health
But how exactly can playing in team sports such as Softball improve your mental and psychological wellbeing? How is participating in Softball good for your mental health?
1. Social benefits of Softball for your mental health
Participating in a team sport such as Softball has many great benefits and a positive effect on your mental health. Firstly, there is the social aspect of playing as part of a team. You can connect with and make friends on the team, feel a part of a welcoming community and by doing so actively boost your mental health.
Team sport like Softball is a fantastic, fun recreational exercise, ultimately providing, as Active Norfolk states, “a chance to unwind and engage in a satisfying challenge that improves your fitness” (
Furthermore, exercising together with a community such as an inclusive, welcoming and friendly Softball team rather than alone has a positive impact on your mental health. Research in Australia goes on to prove this. It primarily found, “taking part in sports in a group has a greater impact on mental health than individual sports” such as walking or working out in a gym (
Ultimately, playing Softball in its primary social setting will positively impact your mental health. Some article research/discussion notes, “playing sport offers the opportunity to form relationships and to develop a social support network, both of which are likely to influence mental health” (Eather, Wade, Pankowiak & Eime).
2. How can playing Softball help reduce stress and improve mood?
Exercise is well known for its impact on stress and overall mood-playing Softball only puts this into action. When you are physically active you are distracted from daily life, and you avoid any negative thoughts. Sport is equally well known to clear your head.
A team sport such as Softball, helps you put your worries to one side and concentrate on your role or task in the batting or on the field, ultimately helping you to “clear your mind and calm down” (
Playing Softball can even again affect your body’s chemicals and be once more positive for your mental health. It can help with moderate stress levels as “exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body” ( These are the stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Importantly, softball helps you manage stress levels making you feel calmer and even for hours afterwards.
3. How Softball and sport in general can help fight depression, helping you sleep well
What about your “emotional” wellbeing? “Sport is an excellent remedy against depression” (
We can see how Softball and sport in general are good for improving your mood and reducing stress levels, but let us look deeper into your body’s emotions and see how sports has the ability to be actively good for your mental health and even fight depression. Participating in Softball as a player can play a vital role in being one major remedy against the symptoms of depression. According to research, “studies show that exercise improves symptoms of depression and reduces the risk of relapse” ( Again this marked improvement is stimulated by the production of the feel-good hormones in exercise, the endorphins, which play a pivotal role in improving our mood. These can help in keeping depression at arm’s length.
Quality and length of sleep is markedly improved with exercise. Sleeping well alleviates and helps depression (stress and anxiety also). Sport enhances your sleep habits. As ultimately, Softball, “sport and other forms of physical activity improve the quality of sleep. It does this by helping you fall asleep faster and deepening your sleep” ( The positive benefits of sports and therefore sleeping well on your mental health cannot be overstated. Sleeping well improves your mood and mental outlook the next day. A major boost for your mental health.
The positive benefits of sports and therefore sleeping well on your mental health cannot be overstated.
4. What other benefits are there of Softball to your mental health?
Softball participation can boost confidence, self-esteem and even teamwork/leadership skills.
Playing softball is also good for your confidence and self-esteem. When your playing of Softball reaches new heights in skills, strength, and success this only has a positive knock-on effect on your self-image. You feel better about yourself and therefore and because of this it leads to positive results. In fact, “sports provide you with a sense of mastery and control, which often leads to a feeling of pride and self-confidence” ( This self-confidence, positive self-esteem and self-worth have the ability to translate into other areas of your life such as your job and career or other major challenges in life. It is a major improvement for your mental health, allowing you to tackle things head-on. Through mastery of your sport you feel ready for anything you face in life with added confidence. “This sense of mastery may translate to other areas of life, with individual’s developing the confidence to cope with varied life challenges” (Eather, Wade, Pankowiak & Eime).
Moreover, it is not only Softball player’s confidence and self-esteem that are boosted. One study shows even fans and supporters of your sport/Softball can benefit from their participation in sports: “Volunteers and sports fans also have an increased sense of purpose and pride, while self-esteem and confidence are known to increase through participation or volunteering” (
Participation can even enhance your teamwork and leadership skills. Especially with regard to being part of a Softball team or participating in a team sport. Such sports can be “breeding ground for leadership traits” ( Training and competing together with your team enhances your teamwork skills, allowing you to get in to the team spirit and mindset. Again, this team spirit and attitude can translate into work or social situations and will heighten your ability to take leadership and have leadership qualities.
A team sport such as Softball enables us to achieve this through its many physical, mental, emotional, social, psychological benefits to our wellbeing.
Conclusion on wellbeing/wellness and sport/Softball
Positive, contented, and good wellbeing or wellness is an important and intrinsic factor to successfully negotiating a busy modern world. A team sport such as Softball enables us to achieve this through its many physical, mental, emotional, social, psychological benefits to our wellbeing. It also enables us to have a positive outlook, good self-esteem, self-worth, and leadership skills. The benefits of Softball/sport is so imperative in a particularly Western world that has become increasingly sedentary. Therefore a team sport such as Softball must be put at the highest agenda in life and also highlight its unique blend of an inclusive, social, enjoyable, beneficial, and welcoming community.
1. Active Norfolk (2021). ‘The Mental Benefits of Sport’. Available at (Accessed 30/07/2024)
2. Bhandari, S. (2024). ‘Benefits of Sport for Mental Health’. Available at (Accessed 30/07/2024)
3. Central Test (2023). ‘Benefits of Sport for your Wellbeing’. Available at (Accessed 24/07/2024)
4. Collins Dictionary (2024). ‘Wellbeing’. Available at (Accessed 23/07/2024)
5. Eather, N., Wade, L., Pankowiak., A & Eime, R. (2023). ‘The impact of sports participation on mental health and social outcomes in adults: a systematic review and the “Mental Health through Sport” conceptual model’. Systematic Reviews 12, Article 102. Available at: (Accessed 31/07/2024)
6. Mental Health Ireland (2024). ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’. Available at (Accessed 23/07/2024)
7. Sport and (2024). ‘Health, Sport and Wellbeing’. Available at (Accessed 24/07/2024)
8. Sport England (2024). ‘Mental Wellbeing’. Available at (Accessed 24/07/2024)
Photos by Mark Leddy