All Star Day – Trinity Cricket Pitch 25th of August
As the summer days get shorter and the sunniest Irish Summer in a years (hundreds of years?) winds down so does our softball season. We are excited to announce that we’ll be having our All Star game again at the cricket pitch in Trinity. Like last year, it will be an all day event on a Saturday, specifically the 25th of August, beginning with the 2nd Division All Stars at 3pm, followed by the 1st division at 4:30pm and then 6pm with the Prem All Stars. Teams will be divided by beginning of the Season Conferences:
Division 2: Conference A (Wicklow Wolves, SWAT, Renegade Titans & Thirsty Camels) vs. Conference B (Deadly Suspects, Homers, Springfield Nuclear Powerplant Softball Team, Marlay Mambas & Temple Bar Hippies).
Division 1: Conference A (Castleknock Wildcats, Dodder Dynamites, Dublin Bay Packers, Renegade Beachers, Thunderbolts & Inglorious Batters) vs. Conference B (Chuggers, Castleknock Bearcats, Base Devils, Marlay Mustangs, Sauce Monsters & Usual Suspects).
Prem Division: North (TNT, Renegade Reapers & Batpak) vs. South (Kegs, Dodder Dynamoes, Marlay Martyrs & Temple Bar Hippety’s).
We will be asking team captains to nominate at least 3 players for the all star team. These players should have been chosen as MVP in at least one game as well as being available to play on the day. Prem Team’s should also nominate a 1st or 2nd division player who has helped out their team during the season. Captains can send their nominations. to
Renegade Reapers vs. Marlay Martyrs in Game-of-the-Week showdown in Trinity 24th of August
The Renegade Reapers will play host to the Marlay Martyrs in what should be both of their final matches of the season. The Reapers took the first match-up from the Martyrs on the first week of the season and with both teams having just two wins, each will be looking to add another W to their season record. Balls will be hit, some will be caught and it is most definite that beers will be drunk with the Pav bar right next to the pitch. Comeon down and enjoy an evening of Softball and suds to help us kick off our All Star Weekend.